Friday, February 8, 2008

Laundry Tip!

This is for all you moms out there. Last night I opened the dryer and to my surprise everything was covered in red (melted) crayon. This has happened to us before and usually I end up picking through the clothes to see what I can save, then just toss the others. Well I thought there has to be something out there to get it out. So I got online and googled "dried crayon on clothes." Sure enough some other moms had posted their recipes for taking out the crayon. So I thought I'd better try one and see if it really works. Specially since some of the clothes were Scott's nice work ones. I put the wash on small load, very hot water and added the following:
1 cup detergant
1 cup white vinegar
1 cup oxy clean
1 cup shout

I left the lid open so the washing machine wouldn't continue to do it's job and let the clothes soak in it over night. This morning I shut the lid and when the clothes were done, I was amazed! IT WORKED!!!! I couldn't believe it!! Everything was saved and the white (pink faded) shirts came out sparkling white. So, it this ever happens to you try this recipe. It was awesome : )

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